Saturday, December 20, 2008

The mantra of my day: I hate hate, hate, hate, the snow. It took me twenty minutes to shovel out my car this morning, almost causing me to lose my morning cup of coffee from The Dunkin. Thankfully, that fueled my efforts and I made it to work on time. Work went pretty quickly so quickly that I forgot about lunch..

The afternoon was spent “Googling” myself. I hit quite a few times which was a thrill to find out! I used to write an opinion column for St.Rose’s Chronicle, which has now all been archived online. I re-read them silently, snickering from time to time, shocked at how funny they were; I never realized at the time but they weren’t too bad.

Anyways, I left work early to head down to Rockland. My grandparents are up from Florida, and the whole family was getting together for dinner. It was such a debacle from beginning to end. First of all…Stewart(my car) decided to get stuck in a parking lot when I pulled off to switch into a higher gear. I swear, he has got a mind of his own. After a lot of back and forth and me yelling at him to work-- we got out…Again, I hate snow. The restaurant my Uncle choose was ridiculous. It was crowded, loud, and ugh; I just couldn'’t deal and neither could my Grandmother whose patience is shorter than a burnt match. It was a huge fiasco, about the seating arrangements, stairs (which my grandfather has trouble with), which door to enter?, who wants a bite of this or that. My Aunt and I just laughed quietly to ourselves about the whole situation. I sat between her and my two favorite cousins on the other side. We have a lot of fun together. They are some of the few people I can truly be my silly self around; which is the hugest relief to me.

After dinner we went back to my Aunts house, made cappuccinos and played a game called Wizards. Its pretty intense especially with the competitive bunch that we are. I was doing alright in the beginning because I didn’t know the rules completely—which is total crap and not my fault. Regardless, I lost in the end. Whatever.

I drove home afterwards, in the snow for the reason of beating the snow. I hate the snow. Stewart and I are adjusting to this weather. I made it the whole way without a hitch. I drove straight backed only breathing like every five minutes or something—but I wasn’t tense at all. In the end, it was a great day and I hate the snow. Goodnight.

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