Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Syllabus week...

So, it’s been forever since I last wrote…

Classes have begun…ipso facto my brain hurts. I remember being a freshman and loving the first week of classes, they were so easy. Twenty minute long classes, the teacher reads the syllabus and you blow the whole day off. This time around…as a senior it’s a far different approach. A huge part of me was super excited about the prospect of new work and the enlightenment result of a successful course. However, the other part of me dreaded the aspect of returning from my workaholic comatose, which quite obviously kept me from academic thought.

This is an interesting switch of approach to me. While at home (on break) and working (as hard as people make it out to be) it doesn’t require much of us. Basic skills such as driving, smiling, using a calculator, organizing etc… Day in and day out people work retail in the same monotonous motions. Not until today have I realized that has a large part to do with why I choose a creative outlet for my future career. While this “academic process” of continually developing/creating will probably kill me eventually…Id rather be dead by my passions, than by the uniformity of anything that stifles our natural ingenuity.

END. Give me feedback.